406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Salida Chamber Calendar

Calendar subject to cancellations or postponements due to COVID-19.

Colorado Mountain College Career Day!

Career Day is Tuesday, December 12th  from 12:00-4:00. Juniors will rotate through 3 sections interacting with local business professionals. Mock Interview, Resume Review, and Professional Panel are the sessions. Lunch will be served and it will be at the Kesner building again. If you are interested, please respond to Fred Maxwell ( 719.530.7907 office / 719.221.5985 cell / fmaxwell@coloradomtn.edu) with your name and which section you have been in before or if your new, which one you would like to be in.

Trailhead Tuesday (WP): Know Before You Go Avalanche Awareness

The Trailhead 402 E Main St, Buena Vista

Hey you! Yeah, you! Calling all Winter Park backcountry lovers, be it skiing, splitboarding, cross-country skiing, or snowshoeing! Join us on Tuesday, 12/12/2023, from 6:00-7:30 pm for our FIRST EVER The Trailhead gear store Winter Park Trailhead Tuesday. Enjoy an insightful evening exploring the know-before-you-go avalanche awareness curriculum with our friends Buena Vista Mountain Adventures. Know Before You Go is the first step in your journey through avalanche education. This program introduces avalanche safety with simple steps to stay safe and have fun in the winter backcountry. Before you go into the mountains this winter—KNOW BEFORE YOU GO ❄️ 🏔️ GET THE FORECAST 🏔️ GET THE GEAR 🏔️ GET THE TRAINING 🏔️ GET THE PICTURE