406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Pay Membership Dues

When applying for 2 business memberships, the 2nd business receives a 50% discount or a minimum of $100.00 in savings.

Please note your BUSINESS NAME or INVOICE NUMBER (if renewing) before clicking Pay Now. Any questions, please call 719-539-2068

Business TypeFeePayment Info
Standard Membership
1-5 Employees$200Pay Now
6-15 Employees$260Pay Now
16+ Employees$320Pay Now
$100 Payment for 2nd Business Rate Only$100Pay Now
Single Office$200Pay Now
Firm$260Pay Now
Single office$200Pay Now
Firm$260Pay Now
Auto Dealers
Franchise$320Pay Now
Non-Franchise$200Pay Now
1-25 rental spaces$200Pay Now
26-50 rental spaces$260Pay Now
51-100 rental spaces$300Pay Now
City & County$2000Pay Now
Construction Trades
1-5 employees$200Pay Now
6-15 employees$260Pay Now
16+ employees$320Pay Now
Single office$200Pay Now
Firm$260Pay Now
Financial Services
Bank$600Pay Now
Savings & Loan$600Pay Now
Credit Union$200Pay Now
Investment/Securities$240Pay Now
Mortgage Brokers$240Pay Now
1-25 employees$200Pay Now
25-75 employees$350Pay Now
76-100 employees$450Pay Now
101+ employees$600Pay Now
Government Organizations $2000Pay Now
1-3 agents$260Pay Now
4+ agents$320Pay Now
Hospital$500Pay Now
Single Office$260Pay Now
Group Practice (2 to 5)$320Pay Now
Clinic$500Pay Now
Motels, B&Bs, Lodges
1-15 rooms$200Pay Now
16-30 rooms$260Pay Now
31-75 rooms$320Pay Now
76+ rooms$380Pay Now
Gross Income $200k & under$200Pay Now
Gross Income $200k – $500k$260Pay Now
Gross Income $500,001+$320Pay Now
Real Estate
1-3 agents$260Pay Now
4+ agents$320Pay Now
Ski Area$620Pay Now
Seating 2-14$260Pay Now
Seating 15+$320Pay Now
Service Clubs / Nonprofits$160Pay Now
Schools $300Pay Now
Transportation$200Pay Now
Utilities$600Pay Now
Wholesalers, Distributors $260Pay Now