406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Emily Lord Photography, LLC

tel: 207-852-9392

email: hello@emilylordphoto.com
website: www.emilylordphoto.com

My name is Emily Lord and I am a family adventure photographer. I make it easy to capture memories doing what you love most in the outdoors. I use natural light, the surrounding environment, and the energy of the moment to create something beautiful.

There’s no requirement for dressy outfits, make-up, or perfect poses with family adventure sessions. I let families’ love for the outdoors bring out their authentic joy and connection. I have a deep respect for the environment and follow Leave No Trace principles for my sessions. Before starting my photography business, I worked for conservation nonprofits for many years and spent time restoring trails and teaching environmental stewardship while sometimes camping in the backcountry.

In 2020, I formed Emily Lord Photography, LLC after moving to Salida, Colorado with a mission to capture families of all kinds on outdoor adventures because nature connects us to what’s most important. I grew up and went to college in Maine, and lived in New Hampshire, Illinois, and Iowa before moving to Salida. In my free time, I love getting out to hike and explore with my dog on all the stunning public lands here in Chaffee County.

View examples of my recent work on Instagram:  instagram.com/emilylordphoto/

Photo Credit: Taylor Jones Photography