406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Chaffee Housing Authority Seeking Homes for Open Doors

The Chaffee Housing Authority, in cooperation with the City of Salida, is asking short term rental owners and vacation home owners within the City of Salida and the surrounding area to transition their short-term rentals, rarely-used vacation homes, unoccupied accessory dwelling units, or other under-used houses to a long-term rental for local workforce. If you or someone you know has a housing unit that is generally empty or generally hosts out-of-town visitors, the Chaffee Housing Authority would happily match your home with members of the local workforce who are unable to find rental homes in this unprecedented rental market. More information can be found by visiting the Chaffee Housing Authority’s website at www.chaffeehousingauthority.org and select the Open Doors Program for more information and to apply to participate in the program. 

In a recent survey conducted by Chaffee Housing Authority, 79% of responding local landlords claim to fill their rental units by word of mouth.  This inequitable marketing strategy means that primarily higher-income households who can pay higher rents can access housing opportunities first, and lower income households are left with minimal options. The 2022 Housing Needs Assessment recently adopted by the Chaffee Housing Authority demonstrates the need for 435 housing units immediately to stabilize our economy and an additional 670 over the next five years to keep up with housing demand. Until these housing units are built, however, the community risks losing an even greater numbers of workers, which will have long-term consequences on all members of this community.  

Homeowners with underutilized homes can help be part of the solution by working with the Chaffee Housing Authority and the City of Salida to market their properties and link them with qualified tenants for long term leases.