406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Salida Chamber Calendar

Calendar subject to cancellations or postponements due to COVID-19.

Continental Divide Trail Gateway Community Summit: Project Incubator & “What Else?”

CDTC is hosting the Continental Divide Trail Gateway Community Summit throughout the month of November! Gateway Community and Trail Town members, volunteers, tourism professionals, and members of federal agencies will enjoy the opportunity to learn about how communities along the Divide are contributing to stewardship of the Continental Divide Trail! Attendance is FREE and you are encouraged to participate in as many sessions as possible, but you do not need to attend every session of the summit. Project Incubator & "What Else?": Wednesday, November 29, 5:00 - 6:30 PM You can find more information and register for the summit on our website. Please share this information widely throughout your community - we would love to see many attendees from each Gateway Community!