406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Salida Chamber Calendar

Calendar subject to cancellations or postponements due to COVID-19.
All Day

Rails and Ales Brewfest

Soulcraft Brewing 248 W. Hwy 50, Salida

Sat., June 15 – Rails and Ales Brewfest at Soulcraft Brewing

Monster Trucks/ Grand Stands Grand Opener

Chaffee County Fairgrounds

The Chaffee County Fair Committee confirmed Monster Trucks/ Grand Stands Grand Opener at Fairgrounds for Father’s Day Weekend, Saturday, June 15th. Yup… FibArk Saturday. The Monster Truck event will begin with gates opening after the FibArk parade at 11am,  we will actually have a monster truck in the parade itself – which FibArk Board also approved.   Event is ending by 3:30pm… well before Hooligan.  We’re already out on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/events/2222893351304680/ Here is our ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monster-truck-racing-league-tickets-60843398242 Video link on FB – hit your volume! ???? https://www.facebook.com/chaffeecountyfair/videos/1944683328969306/?t=11