406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Colorado TINTS

phone: 719-239-4500

website: www.coloradotints.com
email: coloradotints@gmail.com
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Colorado TINTS is Salida’s most original theater company. Standing for “theater in non-traditional spaces, TINTS was established in Dec 2017 to bring original, under-reported/unknown stories to the public through theater. TINTS is committed to making theater shows accessible to audiences by utilizing non-traditional theater spaces such as community centers, restaurants, schools, etc. TINTS is comprised of a team of writers, directors, actors, producers and filmmakers who partner with community groups and individuals to create original, socially relevant work.

Colorado TINTS is a 501c3 and registered non-profit in the state of Colorado.  TINTS is managed by a volunteer artistic director, secretary, treasurer and 3 board members. TINTS programs have been supported by the Colorado Health Foundation, Arts in Society, Chaffee County businesses, banks, individuals and local foundations.