215 E. 3rd St.
Salida, CO 81201
phone: 719-539-7436
email: administrator@salidapregnancycenter.com
website: www.salidapregnancycenter.com
The mission of the Salida Pregnancy Resource Center is to support our community through life affirming action. We fulfill that mission through providing services to families and women with unplanned pregnancies as well as families with planned pregnancies. We offer pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, STD testing, pregnancy information, parenting classes, birth control information, adoption and abortion information, classes for dads, material support through our Baby Boutique. We are connected with many organizations that serve pregnant women and their young children such as Baby and Me; Tobacco Free, Nurturing Parenting classes, Nurse Family Partnership, Chaffee County Early Childhood Council, and Early Head Start. We were established in 1989 to provide support to women choosing to carry an unplanned pregnancy to term. In 2016 we have served over 125 families in and around Salida.
All Services are Free and Confidential.