406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

REACH Air Medical Services

7156 CR 154
Salida, CO 81201

For membership and renewals contact Orion:
membership website: amcnrep.com/msm/orion-lane
phone: 719-850-1753
email: orion.lane@gmr.net
Facebook Link

For Event and Program Questions contact Jason:
phone: 719-221-6092
email: Jason.Knudson@reachair.com (Program Director)
website: www.reachair.com

REACH Air Medical Services can save more than your life…

REACH Air Medical Services is a participating provider in the AirMedCare Network – the nation’s largest air ambulance membership program. For just $79 per year (age 60+) or $99 per year (age 59 or younger), you and your entire household are covered for the cost of an emergency air transport by REACH or any other AMCN provider. The AirMedCare Network covers more than 1.7 million members nationwide; offers service from over 340 locations across 38 states, coast to coast; and is available 24 hours a day every day of the year!

Medical emergencies can strike at any time – at home, at work, at play, or on the road. Protect yourself, your family and your finances by joining AirMedCare Network.

Get peace of mind and join today!