It’s no secret people want to live in this area. However, actually getting to do so is a challenge! With a limited amount of space, affordable rentals, apartments, available lots, or reasonable housing costs, making Salida home can seem unrealistic for some. This page is dedicated to helping both those from the area find/keep affordable housing and for those who are looking to join this community. You will also find sources for ways you can get involved in helping others with their housing needs.
Chaffee Housing Authority
Any renter who needs help getting into a new rental and has a good bill-paying history. This program assists prospective tenants to get into housing by allowing them to pay their rental deposit over the term of the lease. You can access more information and the Rental Deposit Guarantee Program Application here.
Try to apply 2-4 weeks before your move in date. Coming up with first, last and deposit all at once is not easy. We guarantee that the deposit will be paid to the landlord before the term of the lease is up and the tenant makes payments on the loan for the deposit over time.
Chaffee County Public Health Home Share
This program is phasing out. Click HERE to read the press release. You can join the Aging Well Programming Events Newsletter HERE.
Housing Choice Vouchers
The waitlist for Housing Choice Vouchers (formerly Section 8) in Chaffee County is currently closed and not accepting applications at this time. This program is usually available to people with very low incomes. The program provides eligible participants with rental subsidies that pay the difference between 30%-50% of the participant’s income and the rental amount. For Chaffee County, it is operated by the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments based in Canon City. More information and an application can be found by contacting the UAAGOG. (719) 269-7687 http://www.uaacog.com/
Income Restricted multi-family housing options
The following apartment complexes in Chaffee County are considered affordable. Contact each of them directly to apply.
Collegiate Commons, Buena Vista: 719-966-5334
Sunrise Manor, Buena Vista: 719-395-2862 (Age 55 and over or disabled)
DeAnza Vista, Poncha Springs: 719-431-0371
Riverbend Apartments, Salida: 719-539-1950
Salida Apartments, Salida: 719- 539-2444 (Age 55 and over or disabled)
Mt. Shavano Manor, Salida: 719-539-6243 (Age 55 and over or disabled)
Salida Ridge Apartments, Salida: 719-207-4060
Salida Inclusionary Housing
Chaffee Housing Authority collaborates with the City of Salida in their campaign to maintain and develop housing that is affordable. Click HERE for details.
Veteran Services
This program is designed to assist Veterans and their households by either preventing homelessness or rapidly re-housing them if they are already experiencing homelessness. Additional supportive services are also offered. Contact Rowan Kokins at 720-300-3704, rkokins@voacolorado.org.
Chaffee County has an Office of Veteran Services. Contact Leisl Hammond at 719-239-4678, vso@chaffecounty.org.
Many area landlords advertise their rental options on the following Facebook Groups. These options are at the landlord’s discretion and tend to be” market rate” rather than “affordable.” These public Facebook pages are for rentals available in Salida, Buena Vista, Nathrop and surrounding areas. Individuals and property managers are welcome to list, and to include website links. Whether you have a property and need a renter, or are looking for a place to rent, this is for you. Also can be used to find roommates, advertise for house sitters, etc.
Chaffee Resources
Those experiencing homelessness, click HERE for resources including:
- Food
- Shelter
- Showers
- Transportation
- Clothing & other basic items
- Utilities (firewood, propane, electric, natural gas)
- Medical
- Churches
Click HERE for ALL available resources.
View a schedule for Local Food Assistance (call for updated schedule).
Mission: The Chaffee County Health Coalition strives to improve accessibility, affordability and quality of health, wellness and prevention through collaboration and coordination in Chaffee County.
Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments
Today, UAACOG serves as an umbrella organization providing programs crossing the spectrum of life, from infants and children to workforce, housing, business assistance, and senior services.
Mission: To strengthen our community by providing service, support, and resources to make lives better.
Services Include:
Area Agency on Aging (Senior Assistance)
Upper Arkansas Area Development Corporation (Business Financing & Tax Credits)
Women, Infants, And Children (WIC) (Special supplemental Nutrition Program)
Head Start (Preschool)
Housing (Affordable Housing Options)
Transportation (Transit Programs)
CFR / TPR (Central Front Range Transportation Planning Region)
CSBG Emergency Assistance (Community Service Block Grant)
Food Distribution (Temporary Emergency Food Assistance)
Regional Grant Navigator (Path to Grant Funding)
Chaffee Housing Trust
The Chaffee Housing Trust is a local nonprofit created to develop homeownership and rental opportunities affordable for lower-income workers and residents who cannot afford market-rate housing. Click HERE for their website.
If you are an employee in Chaffee and need help with rent or a safe place to park. https://www.betchsalida.org/