448 East 1st St. Suite 137
Salida , CO 81201
phone: 719-539-4510
Chaffee County Public Health is dedicated to promoting health and preventing disease by supporting individuals, families, and communities. Our services include, but are not limited to:
Education and follow-up for communicable diseases as well as providing resources and referral information.
Emergency Preparedness Planning
Adult and adolescent (child) immunizations including travel vaccines: Immunization Clinics are done by appointment only and are available on Tuesdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and Thursdays from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Public health insurance application assistance as well as Connect for Health Colorado.
Livewell Colorado
Tobacco Prevention: Baby & Me –for pregnant mothers; Quitline for families or individuals that would like help quitting.
Oral Health Assistance: Cavity Free at Three; Location of dental clinics that take Medicaid
Nurse Home Visitor Programs: Nurse Family Partnership (first time moms only); Healthy Start (for all moms)
Diabetes Prevention Program Classes
Child Passenger Safety (Car Seat Education Class)
Environmental Health: Complaints (retail food establishments, swimming pools, public accommodations, mobile home parks, campgrounds, and other recreational facilities); Inspections (retail food establishments, child care, schools)
If you have questions regarding any of the services offered at Chaffee County Public Health, please call 719-539-4510 for more information.