406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Canyon River Instruction

phone: 719-398-1180

email: info@canyonriverinstruction.com
website: www.canyonriverinstruction.com

“Customized Whitewater Education for Private Boaters & Outfitters”

Our goal is to make river running a safer, more accessible, and more enjoyable experience.  We strive to to create a learning and resource center for all types of river running skills including rowing, paddle rafting, multi-day river trips, kayaking and river rescue.

We bring together resources to help people become enthusiasts and to enjoy a lifetime of river running experiences with particular emphasis on safety, experiential learning, custom instruction and river stewardship.

All of our instructors are ACA (American Canoe Association) certified and all of our courses are taught to the ACA curriculum.  Why ACA? The American Canoe Association was stared in 1880 and is the nations recognized leader in paddle sport instruction, it sets the industry standard in paddle sports safety and education, as well as core skill sets.  The ACA’s rigorous training and high standards ensure the finest calibre instructors anywhere on the water, and we are proud to be an ACA affiliated company.

What we do & Who we are…
Private Rafting Instruction & Resources
We are currently offering private raft instruction on the Arkansas River in Colorado.  Integrating the benefits of the American Canoe Association curriculum we will work with you to create a customized learning environment suited to your needs.

Here you also find links to resources, industry partners, and our friends in the river community. Learn More!

About Us…

Alan Cammack and Elisha McArthur both grew up boating and consider rivers to be their ultimate passion, though Elisha finds her comfort in a raft and Alan finds his in a kayak. Since 2011 the pair have been paddling rivers around the world with their daughter Charlotte. As career professionals in the whitewater industry who have ultimately loved the pursuit of private boating, Alan & Elisha had a vision to make whitewater safer and more accessible for private boaters through education, skill building and resource accessibility, and so, Canyon River Instruction was born!

Book your class today! Click here to learn more and see what courses, events, and private instruction are currently on offer!