Dog-Friendly Salida


Salida loves dogs! But sometimes our “Dogs Not Allowed in Park” signs confuse visitors. Salida reserves parks for children, but Loyal Duke’s Dog Park on Holman Avenue is a great place for dogs to run, chase balls, burn off energy and play. Dogs can accompany you along the Arkansas River in downtown Salida, on sidewalks, hiking trails and wherever dogs are welcome (please keep them on a leash for their own safety). Most Salida businesses offer a cool bowl of water for Fido, and many recruit their own friendly canines to be their official greeters. And we encourage you to ask about dog policies at our local restaurants.

Pet-Friendly Lodging:

Dog-friendly Restaurants & Patios:

Pup Resources:

If we’ve inadvertently overlooked your dog-friendly business, please bark at us and we’ll ensure your web address will sit and stay on this page.