124 E 2nd Street
Salida, CO 81201
phone: 303-585-1783
mailing address: PO Box 1091 Salida, CO 81201
email: thordis@museumofauthenticity.org
website: museumofauthenticity.org
Housed in a beautifully remodeled late-19th-century building in Salida’s Historic District, the Museum of Authenticity is an intimate museum of art & culture. Set against a backdrop of art created for art’s sake and handmade utilitarian objects that are—indisputably—works of art, MoA seeks to inspire the visitor’s own bold adventures in art and life. Founding director and curator, Thordis Niela Simonsen, taught biology and cultural anthropology before immersing in the visual and literary arts, restoring a roofless Greek village house stone by stone by hand, and creating the Museum, which opened in 2020.
The Museum of Authenticity’s changing exhibits juxtapose works from two collections: Thordis’ works on paper, including monotype prints, paintings, graphics, and photographs; and early- to mid-20th-century works on paper, primarily by Colorado and New Mexico artists and including youth, women, and unknown artists.
Folk paintings, ceramics, textiles, and other handmade utilitarian objects collected by Thordis in Greece are on permanent display in the Greek Room. A recent visitor described the room as “a small paradise.”
From the Museum shop, visitors can purchase Thordis’ three creative nonfiction books, her original art and reproductions, and notecards she has designed especially for MoA.
The Museum hosts programs related to current exhibits. The gardens around back beg to be enjoyed.
MoA is open year-round most days and times by reservation or by chance. A call to the phone number posted on the door serves as doorbell: 303.585.1783. We particularly welcome kids who are old enough to appreciate art.
Adults $10 [cash or check]; kids free.