7405 W US HWY 50, Suite #122
Salida, CO 81201
phone: 719-530-5980
website: www.connectingcolorado.com
email: Debbie.Jordan@state.co.us (Career Services)
email: adaly.guerra@state.co.us (Business Services)
Workforce Centers provide a variety of FREE services to assist employers and job seekers alike.
These include:
- Job listings
- Computer and internet access
- Career counseling and training for job seekers
- Recruitment of workers, pre-screening, and referral services
- Tax credits and training reimbursement for employers
- Customers can choose either self-service or staff-assisted options to meet their employment needs.
Workforce Center “Career Counselors” can connect workers and Job Seekers with local employment, training, and educational opportunities, as well as any available funding; they can also help clients improve their interviewing skills and resume.
Employers can also benefit from the Workforce Centers’ knowledgeable “Business Services Representative”, who can connect them to funding and training opportunities while also helping them recruit, hire, and keep the skilled talent they need to grow.