email: ssabclub@gmail.com
website: salidaschools.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/SalidaSpartanAthleticBoosterClub
The purpose of the Salida Spartan Athletic Booster Club is to celebrate and support all Spartan athletes and coaches. Membership is one of the many ways the group collects funds to support athletics in the form of team grants, athlete and coach dinners, and scholarships for graduating seniors.
The Salida Spartan Athletic Booster Club is proud to have been a part of the many years of tradition in Salida and strives to maintain community and school involvement through events such as the traditional homecoming bonfire, team and individual sports photos, and participating in school events like back to school night. The club sells Spartan merchandise to promote Spartan purple pride. Athletic Booster Club Member Signs around town show the student athletes they have a lot of fans behind them. Our motto has been “Shoulder to Shoulder, Side by Side, We Can Win with Spartan Pride!!”