406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

Salida Council for the Arts

phone: 719-539-7443
website: www.salidacouncilforthearts.org
email: salidacouncilforthearts@gmail.com

The Salida Council for the Arts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Salida, Colorado. The organization was originally founded in 2002 as the nonprofit “ArtWorks, For the Heart of the Rockies,”and in 2013 we changed the name to Salida Council for the Arts with our mission to enrich the cultural life of our community by supporting the Arts. We do this through funding, through advocacy and creating opportunities for artists to grow and to engage with the community.  

Most recently, the organization’s focus has been on the Valley Visions Art Show in May, monthly “Creative Mixers” held at the Salida SteamPlant Event Center, an Art Supply Yardsale and partnering with the City of Salida with Salida ArtWalk in the Fall. We also have a High School Scholarship program as well as a Community Grants program for local artists and performers. You can learn more by visiting our website at salidacouncilforthearts.org