406 W Hwy 50, Salida, CO 81201

POOchie Pickups LLC

phone: 719-220-0695
email: POOchiePickups@outlook.com
FaceBook: POOchie Pickups Facebook Page

My name is James Lancaster, and I am the proud owner of POOchie Pickups. we are a weekly dog Waste Removal Services that is catering to the Chaffee County area. I, myself, was born and raised in Salida, and proud to call this my home. I have worked in the Service industry my entire life, building homes and landscaping, helping grow the community one plot at a time. I have noticed there has been a rise in k9 companion in our community the last few years, and want to do my part in keeping Chaffee County clean.

POOchie Pickups is your premier dog waste removal solution. Schedule your pickup today! We’re passionate about keeping yards clean, safe, and healthy for pets and families. We look forward to having you use our reliable, hassle-free services.