clothing store:
222 F St
Salida, CO 81201
furniture store:
214 Jones Ave. Ste. A
Salida, CO 81201
phone: 719-530-3100
If you are a current consignor at the former Free The Monkey at 222 F St., your account will roll over along with any balance, current items on the floor or waiting to be priced. Your items will have the full 60 days at full price on the floor.
Clothing store is now open! We will take 20 items of clothing/shoes/jewelry @ 222 F St. from 10:30am – 4:30am, 5 days a week, Fridays through Tuesdays. Check out “Our Services” for more information on our consignment processes at both locations.
Julie Mills is the owner of Julie’s Cubbie. Julie specializes in 2nd hand and new furniture and home goods. Julie’s Cubbie is a great avenue for others to discover used and sometimes new items in excellent condition. Customers can enjoy finding unique and fun treasures that are affordable.
Julie is a positive force in the workplace and uses her positive attitude, tireless energy, and dedication to encourage others to find the purpose in used goods.
She feels great used pieces bring uniqueness and creative flare to an individual’s home. Julie has a bachelor’s in early childhood education along with a master’s in administration. Julie has always enjoyed working with others, so they feel successful, valued, and bring joy into their lives. She knows she did this during her years teaching and does the same at Julie’s Cubbie. Julie loves using her skills to contribute to the exciting consignment business in a more rural community that doesn’t have the choices a bigger city has. Julie enjoys bringing affordable home goods to others!
clothing store:
furniture store: