145 Sabeta Avenue (Office)
P.O. BOX 129 (Mail)
Poncha Springs, CO 81242
phone: 719-539-3381
fax: 888-869-9066
cell: 719-207-0307
cell 2: 719-850-2078
website: rocc.realtor
email: rocc-ceo@rocc.realtor
As a chartered local association through the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), REALTORS® of Central Colorado (ROCC) brings the power of NAR and the Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR) to the local REALTOR® and affiliate members. After merging with the San Luis Valley Board of REALTORS® in 2015, ROCC provides services, including MLS, to its members in Salida, Buena Vista, Leadville, Fairplay, Westcliffe, Alamosa, Monte Vista, and South Fork. The Upper Arkansas and San Luis Valleys are home to ROCC and our members.